- 孵卵器空间/热: Day old poultry should be started in a proper space such a barn, 建设上超越, 地下室, 鸡舍或车库. It is important to make sure your brooder space is clean and disinfected prior to using it, 特别是如果以前在那里养过家禽. 不管你把它们放在床上还是铁丝地板上, there should be some type of solid wall or partition around them to prevent drafts. 确保把狗、猫和啮齿动物关在外面. 最初,每只家禽需要大约1/3平方英尺的围栏空间. What works best for larger areas is a brooder ring of cardboard 18 inches high with a heat lamp hung over the center of the area. Doing a ring/circle will not leave any square corners for baby poultry to pile in the corners and keeping them from wondering off too far from the heat and food source. 首先把加热灯悬挂在离地面18英寸的地方. A thermometer placed on the floor should read 95 degrees directly under the lamp/heat source. Raise the lamp every 3-4 days to gradually decrease the heat level to 90-85 degrees.
- 床上用品: 使用2到4英寸的干落叶, 如松木刨花, 切碎的稻草或其他适当的垫料. 不要使用报纸或其他光滑的材料, this can cause legs to slip out from underneath them and cause serious leg problems. 我们也不建议使用雪松木片, 对待刨花, 大的厚木屑或有灰尘的锯末作为垫料.
- 水: Make sure you provide plenty of containers of water based on amount of poultry. 用一加仑水喂养25只小鸡. 提供室温水. 洗 & 每隔几天清洗一次容器. We recommend adding our Streseez Plus (1 teaspoon per three gallons of water) to their drinking water.
- 提要: 使用小鸡开胃菜. Protein should be at least 18-24 percent for starter and fed for the first six weeks. After six weeks, you can switch to a grower feed with to 16-18 percent protein. (Brands of feed may vary, you can ask your local feed dealer for recommendations).
到达: The post office should notify you when your order arrives and will ask you to pick them up. We suggest notifying your post office to let them know you are expecting an order of live animals. 到达后先引入常温水, 这是运输后最重要的营养.
还记得….雏鸡可能携带能使人病得很重的细菌. Avoid contaminating human food and always wash your hands after caring for them.
注意行为: 判断鸟儿是否舒适的最好方法是观察它们. 当它们冷的时候,它们会大声地挤在一起, 如果舒服的话,它们会相当安静. If they are huddled to one side there is a draft moving the heat to that direction. If they are staying away from the lamp, the lamp is too low or it’s too warm in the room. 在灯下紧紧地挤在一起表明它们需要更多的热量. 如果他们分散在整个钢笔里喝酒, 吃和睡你有一个完美的生活空间.
5-6 week old you can start weaning from heat lamp (above 65º F)
Normally brooder temperature can be dropped about 5 degrees a week and can be turned off during the day by 4 weeks of age unless you live in cooler weather areas then by 5-6 weeks of age eventually weaning them off the extra heat completely. If raising them in warmer weather, heat may only be needed for a couple of weeks. You’ll have to determine by their age and weather to allow them to go outdoors for brief periods of time during the day. Once they are fully feathered around 6 to 9 weeks of age staying outdoors all the time will be perfectly fine but they should have a shelter to protect them from too much sun and heavy rains.
随着他们的成长: Young poultry grow very fast you will need to enlarge their pen as they grow and keep up with clean bedding as necessary. 1周后,将饲料和水容器升高. Raise or hang containers to the height of their backs just so they can reach the feed and water easily, this will help with less waste and avoid breast blisters from laying down to eat and drink while also keeping the litter more dry.
水面积: 建议每25只小鸡喝一加仑的小鸡水. 以免雏鸟受冻或溺水, 不要用开口的锅, 菜, 或者用水桶浇水. If keeping birds in the same area or moving birds to different spots you may want to keep the watering area dry by making a wire platform on which the waterer can sit on. With using a platform set up, any spilled water goes through the wire and out of reach. They cannot track it back to the bedding or make a mud puddle with it. Drinking water stays cleaner plus their pen or pasture also stays dry. 一些种植者把这种水放在可移动的平台上.
小家伙 可以在1/2英寸的硬布上放置在婴儿的锅上吗. The platform should be large enough to extend at least 6" out from the edge of the waterer for the babies.
成年人 1”焊丝可以钉在木十字片上吗. 这个可以放在地上的一个坑上,供成年人使用. The platform should be large enough to extend at least 30" out from the edge of the waterer for adults.
当收到你的家禽时,请注意, 照顾好你的家禽很重要, but you must also protect yourself from potentially harmful micro-organisms, germs (including salmonella) and bacteria by direct contact with poultry and livestock.
DO supervise children when handling poultry and ensure hand washing after contact.
DO carefully and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and hot water after handling poultry and anything in the area where they live and roam (if soap and water are not available use hand sanitizer).
保持 poultry outside, and especially out of areas where food and drink is prepared, served or stored. 也不要进浴室.
不 用鼻子爱抚、依偎或亲吻你的牲畜或家禽.
不 让5岁以下的孩子, elderly and people with weakened immune systems handle or touch livestock including poultry.
接触活家禽(小鸡), 鸡, 小鸭, 鸭子, 幼鹅, geese and turkeys) can be a source of human Salmonella infections.
Salmonella germs are shed in their droppings and can easily contaminate their bodies and anything in areas where birds live and roam.
Chicks, 小鸭, and other poultry can carry Salmonella germs and still appear healthy and clean.
Salmonella germs can cause a diarrheal illness in people that can be mild, 严重的, 甚至危及生命.